Recently we made some changes to our product range and started offering only programmable hearing aids. In this blog, we want to break down why programmable hearing aids are the answer and how to choose the best option for you.


Different Types of Hearing Aids

Programmable vs Non-Programmable

The type of hearing aids you choose will significantly impact the way you hear and the quality of the sound.

To explain it in a simple way, non-programmable hearing aids will amplify all the sounds in the same manner, whether it’s speech or background noise. While it still gives you an opportunity to hear again, the quality of what you hear and how you hear might be compromised. It also does not consider the individual hearing loss challenges and offers the same solution for everyone.

On the contrary, programmable hearing aids can be tailored to your needs and wants. It also can differentiate different sound lengths and loudness, filtering the background noise or even canceling the stuff you don’t want to hear.

Analog vs Digital

Different technology is used to amplify sounds. Analog hearing aids amplify all the sounds, including background noises. The programmable and more modern versions can filter some sounds but in a limited manner. Most of the time you will be forced to hear everything. On top of it, because of the type of signal, analog hearing aids can make screeching sounds if the volume isn’t properly adjusted which can be very unpleasant.

Digital hearing aids transform the sound into binary code, which then helps to filter different types of sound and undergo advanced manipulations to adapt them to your specific hearing loss needs or changing environment. That makes them highly programmable and adaptable.

Ensuring that our customers have the most positive experience, we supply only programmable digital hearing aids that provide the clearest sound and the best background noise filtering.

Senior Putting Hearing Aids On


The next important step in choosing hearing aids is to pick up the right style. Largely, hearing aids divide into two groups – in-canal and behind the ear.

We supply 3 variations of hearing aids:

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE) – the hard case with electronics and batteries is held discretely behind the ear.
  • Completely-in-canal (CIC) – the hearing aid goes entirely into an ear canal.
  • Receiver-in-canal (RIC) – is kind of a mix of the two above styles, with the hard case still behind the sear but in a much smaller and discreet size.

When choosing the right style for you or your loved ones, you want to consider the lifestyle, the frequency of wearing, the severity of hearing loss, and the previous experience with hearing aids.

Our clinic specialises in providing personalised customer service. We will be able to chat with you about your needs and wants, do a proper fitting, and then programme your hearing aids based on what we learnt.